The Health Benefits of Cannabinoids and THC

Health Benefits of Cannabinoids and THC

The Health Benefits of cannabis is more numerous than we think. When you consider the fact that this dark reddish liquid has been used for centuries as a medication and is now considered therapeutic, it seems that it must have many health benefits. This article will explore the health benefits of cannabis. By no means is this list exhaustive, but it does allow for an overview. We will cover three areas: pain relief, nausea, and anxiety.

Pain Relief The most common benefit of cannabis is pain management. Two of the primary compounds in cannabis, THC and CBD work at repairing damaged or infected tissue, allowing nerves to heal or remain free of damage. Medical studies on animals and humans have shown that THC relieves pain, and CBD helps reduce inflammation and muscle spasms, which are both associated with glaucoma.

Nausea Another common symptom of glaucoma is nausea, which can be alleviated with the help of cannabis. In tests, CBD has shown antiemetic properties, which may help relieve nausea associated with chemotherapy. The exact effects of cannabidiol on nausea vary between individuals, as well as the magnitude of the effect. But, in general, CBD seems to make the experience less uncomfortable.

Anxiety Many people who suffer from mental health issues also report reduced anxiety while using cannabis. This is believed to be due to the presence of THCA (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is believed to reduce the levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is believed to contribute to feelings of nervousness and anxiety. This is the “high” that occurs when users consume marijuana. In one study, habitual cannabis users had significantly lower blood pressure than non-cannabis users. While not directly related to blood pressure, it is suggestive of a positive impact on blood pressure.

Mental Health Research Many scientists are exploring the mental health impacts of cannabis. Some of these include studying the impact on schizophrenia, which is primarily a condition arising from schizophrenia, which is a brain disorder and chronic pain management. Other studies are investigating CBD for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other disorders such as autism and Alzheimer’s disease. CBD has been proven to effectively control symptoms of these neurological disorders.

Anecdotal Evidence Medical doctors and mental health experts have anecdotal evidence to corroborate the claims. Many of these cases are anecdotal in nature, meaning that no medical evidence exists to corroborate the claims. But the anecdotal evidence still makes an important point. If a person prefers to smoke pot or ingesting a psychoactive substance in order to relieve the symptoms of certain ailments, it makes sense to consider if those substances may have some negative impact on one’s mental health. It may not be a problem that should merit going to the extremes of isolating someone from society, but a person needs to recognize the potential harms when using cannabis.