Why Cannabis Should Be Legalized.

There are many debates in regards to the issue of cannabis being legalized or not. There has been a lot of debate regarding whether or not it should be legalized in Australia. I am going to go through a few reasons why cannabis should be legalized in Australia, this will help to provide some insight as to why some people are opposed to this type of drug.

When it comes to drugs and alcohol, many people believe that they are equally dangerous. Many people think that because both drugs are illegal that they are equally dangerous. The reality is that there is far more damage to your body by taking cannabis than with alcohol. This is one of the reasons why many people support the legalization of cannabis.

Many people argue that cannabis is not physically addictive. There is the argument that once a person starts smoking the habit they will have no problems with it. Many people also argue that once you smoke cannabis you won’t have any withdrawal symptoms.

The next reason why cannabis should be legalized is that cannabis is less harmful to the environment. It is estimated that cannabis is responsible for 40% of all global traffic accidents and road fatalities. In this way, cannabis can be considered a bigger problem than alcohol.

The last reason as to why cannabis should be legalized is that the legalization debate will benefit society. There will be more money in the system. This money will go towards roads and infrastructure as well as rehabilitation programs for people who have addictions and drug-related issues. This is an opportunity for those who suffer from addiction to get out of the cycle of addiction and start over.

All in all, it seems that the majority of Australian citizens are in favor of legalizing cannabis. If the federal government were to move forward with legalizing cannabis, there would be a huge amount of money in the system which would then be put towards rehab centers for drug addicts. There is a lot of support from people on both sides of the legalization debate, and this seems to show that the majority of the population is in favor of legalizing cannabis.

These are just three of the main reasons why cannabis should be legalized. There are certainly other good points to legalizing cannabis, but they will need to be researched further. If the government decided to proceed with legalizing cannabis, there would be more money to use for other important things such as rehabilitation programs.

In conclusion, there is certainly no reason why cannabis should not be legalized in Australia. Many of the arguments used against it are valid, but there are also good reasons why cannabis should be legalized.